As some of you may heard, and most of you have not, clickcaster sent out a message over the past week, and goes something like this:
The Times They Are A-ChangingFirstly, let me thank ClickCaster for all they've done:
-Bob Dylan
And so they are here at ClickCaster. We've decided that it's time we cover our costs, and even make a little profit, so that we'll be around to serve you all for the long haul.
As of May 1st, we will no longer offer ClickCaster as free an unlimited storage and bandwidth service.
We're going to be revamping ClickCaster to support podcasting for businesses, institutional use and education.
We're getting focused, and we'll be pouring all of our efforts into creating a platform that you can use to simply and elegantly integrate the power of podcasting, user generated content, rich media and RSS into your day to day business.
If you already have an account on ClickCaster we'll continue to host your existing files for another 3 months at no charge (through July 31st 2007). During that time you'll have the opportunity to switch over to our premium services. We'll have more detail on the packages and feature sets available soon.
Last, we are currently in closed beta for the new ClickCaster site and during the next few days we're looking for a few folks that would be interested in trying it out and giving us your feedback through April. We can't take everyone, but if you're interested, let us know. Email us at: with the words closed beta in the subject field of your message.
The ClickCaster Team

So, what does that mean for us and the minions? Well, until July, we can stay aboard Clickcaster. So for the immediate future, nothing could change. However, since we do have a few months, Glock and Klitts have embarked on a vigorous journey through the net to find a new home. It will be a tough one, but we hope to have all the features that you minions have been accustomed to. This site will continue to run, so there will be no interruptions in this service. We will try and fix the link through iTunes as well, so that any future downloads via iTunes will re-direct to whichever new host we choose.
Why not stay with Clickcaster and pay up, you say? Well, the supposed plan that is hitting the waves is that it will be a 5$ a month plan for 125 mb of storage PER MONTH. That means that the most we would be alloted to is four 30 minute shows a month. Now since our shows range an hour beyond that limitation, it would be pointless to not only pay, but to cut our own show down so that we can adhere to a service in which we are also giving money to! If we are going to pay, we are going to be free to produce a show at our own limitations.
As it goes for Clickcaster, we hope you guys rake in the money while you can, because you are going to lose countless faithful members to various other sites, most of which will badmouth you guys to no end...including Damon and Klitts' two cents.
That being said, if anyone has a good suggestion, feel free to shout at us. The comment line is always open.
1 comment:
Hey guys- keep us posted. We love your show and also are weighing our options. I know the place where I work would like to find a new hosting site, so let us know how the switch goes!
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