Friday, April 27, 2007

Episode 32: A Change of Plan

Episode 32 brings you:

  1. Clickcaster decides to fuck us all over!
  2. Next week- Early show!
  3. Boris Yeltson dead
  4. Randy Orton breaks stuff
  5. Earth like planet found
  6. Kryptonite found!
  7. NBA Playoffs
  8. Damon Kiper brings us his NFL Draft
  9. Buy/Sell on Scientology, Baldwin, and Barry Bonds
  10. Thumbs up/down
  11. Vids of the week
Videos of the week

Spiderman 3- Venom!

Midget gets launched


1 comment:

Scott Converse said...

Damon & Klitts,

Hey, drop me a line. I'd like to address your concerns.

We're just a business trying to stay in business and give great service. The reality is that costs money. We stayed free as long as we could but advertising revenue was only cover a small percentage of costs.

I'm at

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Scott Converse
Founder & CTO
ClickCaster Inc.